Stop Cancer Naturally Docu-Class
The Stop Cancer Naturally Docu-Class brings together leading Cancer Health Experts, including Medical Doctors, PhDs, Naturopaths, Osteopathic Doctors and other Natural Health Practitioners to discuss the root causes of cancer and what can be done naturally to help.
From unsuspected causes of cancer (such as gut toxins, dietary causes, mold in your home, and more) to herbs and other treatment strategies to help fight it, it includes 32 interviews - a wealth of empowering information! Jonathan Landsman, the host of this Docu-Class, interviews top experts who cover diet, lifestyle, supplements and other natural healing strategies you can use to dramatically improve your health and help fight cancer.
It's airing for FREE starting Tuesday August 13 - 21, 2024.
CLICK HERE to register with your name and email. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from top doctors! (If you happen to miss the free airing, they have several packages available for purchase including videos, transcripts and books so that you can watch and learn at your leisure.)
Episodes with Jonathan Landsman and Cynthia Foster, MD
Herbs and Cleanses Mentioned During the Docu-Class:
Disclaimer: All information provide is for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness.
Notice: Some cancer patients are put on prescription blood thinners by their doctors, and these medications can have severe side effects. These medications can interact adversely with herbs and even with simple foods such as garlic, ginger, turmeric and even broccoli. People taking prescription blood thinners should do everything they can to get off of this type of prescription medication and replace with a safe and natural alternative such as proteolytic enzymes or blood thinning herbs (which are much safer). Your doctor may need to supervise this transition from prescription blood thinning medications to natural alternatives.
Therapeutic herbs are safe. You should know that the number one threat to your health IS the modern medical profession and the propaganda they spew out from every mainstream news channel, magazines and radio programs. The first chemotherapy drug for cancer was derived from nitrogen mustard, a chemical warfare agent developed by a company that specialized in manufacturing chemical warfare agents. Many chemo drugs are synthetic versions of this original drug. Their corrupt research studies showed benefit from the drug while it caused dangerous and life-threatening side effects. The modern medical establishment was founded on fraud and gained control due to the fact that they literally murdered, imprisoned and discredited natural healers such as chiropractors, midwives, herbalists and other natural healers with their corrupted "science." This corruption has caused them to pour billions of dollars into "faked" research studies, paying off scientists to discredit the use of herbs in the attempt to convince people that herbs are dangerous, that they do not work - and even more ridiculous - that they could make your disease worse.
I have used this program with men and women whose tumors are sensitive to hormones. The danger to your health is NOT herbs. The danger to your health are the prescription drug residues in your tap water (birth control pills and hormone replacement medications have been found in tap water), the hormones that are put into your meat and dairy products (you need to buy all of your animal products "hormone-free") and any prescription drugs you are taking such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy. The danger to your health is the fluoridation in your tap water which causes cancer - not herbs. The danger to you is the chemotherapy that appears to work for the first few months, then causes an out of control resurgence of the cancer anywhere from a month to a year later because they have poisoned your bone marrow with their chemicals. Scientists call these "secondary cancers" and they are directly caused by cancer chemo drugs. They grow even faster and more aggressively than the original cancer and they can kill you very quickly. You need to be afraid of chemo worsening your hormonally-sensitive tumor above all else. 'The phytoestrogens in herbs are
protective against cancer - yes - even hormonally sensitive cancers - yes, your type of cancer in particular.
And yes, I've seen their articles showing certain herbs could cause a worsening of hormonally sensitive tumors. They are basing this on theory only and NOT on clinical experience. These recommendations are being pushed from a small group of power elite who are in control of the medical monopoly and their intent is make you so afraid of herbs, you will never consider taking the one natural thing that could actually help you. In the meantime, you have been shamelessly brainwashed to accept that you need drugs derived from highly toxic chemical warfare to heal cancer and that this absolute and utter devastation of your immune system that leads people to their untimely death is actually "normal." No, it's far from normal. In addition to the medical profession, your conventional dentist who put "silver fillings" in your mouth and gave you that root canal is a far greater threat to you than any herb because when people have the root canaled tooth removed, their cancers can go away in as little as 2 months.
I can't save everyone, but I can tell you that it is now time to wake up and realize that the medical profession is actually your enemy and, for the most part, besides your processed food diet and sedentary lifestyle, they are the ones who have made you sick. The doctors and nurses were trained to do it and they had good intentions. They are good people and they thought they were helping you. But even they didn't understand the harm their medications and shots had on you. They are the ones who accidentally and unintentionally gave you these preventive shots to prevent the flu and other infectious diseases when natural healers have been healing those types of infections all along - even pneumonia - with herbs and other natural healing techniques. Their shots were never needed, and now the outcome is that their shots have caused widespread CANCER in addition to autoimmune disorders, brain damage, nerve damage and demyelinating diseases. If you want to be healthy, you HAVE to stop taking these shots - yes the ones for measles, chickenpox, shingles, flu, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, rubella, and mumps - those ones - because good natural healers already know how to heal these things naturally.
It is not an accident that your doctor, your nurse and all of the other medical personnel that take care of your health
do not even know the ingredients in these shots. It is an absolute violation of your human rights to force you to take a shot when no one knows the ingredients, and they pushed it through anyway using the excuse, "Well, it was an emergency and nothing else will work." Bull molarchey! It's not true. Natural healers all over our country stand at the ready to help you heal from ANY virus - even so-called incurable ones. We have been healing them WITHOUT antibiotics, without prescription drugs and without any medical intervention at all. Many, if not most of you can even heal these yourself in the comfort of your own home! That's how ridiculous, absurd, and dangerous this Medical Monopoly Game has become.
You should know when you find a so-called "scientific" article that proclaims an herb is unsafe is absolutely false. Herbs were created by God to help you when you are sick. Their use is mentioned in all holy books around the world and their use goes back thousands of years. They are
specifically for healing yourself when you are sick. You take them because you are sick and you want to get well. You also take them because you do not want to get sick in the future because they can protect you from getting sick. Meanwhile, our tyrannical government continues to insist that no herb or supplement is intended to "diagnose, treat, prevent or mitigate any disease."
All supplement manufacturers are required by a very corrupt federal agency to put this lie on the label of every single supplement they sell. It is absolutely FALSE. If you want to trust a corrupt medical profession that claims they've discovered for the first time with their research on an herb which has been safely used for thousands of years is harmful, you have directly fallen into their trap. If you believe gravel root was banned because it is dangerous, you have fallen directly into their trap. I've been using gravel root in my formulas for over 20 years and not a single person had a bad reaction to it. But this is not the only herb they have demonized. They have tried to do this with many other herbs including comfrey, chaparral and lobelia and others - each time terrorizing the public and telling them an herb is dangerous, only to lift their ban later on when it is discovered that there is no proof the herb is harmful.
They use complicated scientific jargon called "medicalese" to try to convince the public that their corrupt "science" is valid. Their false information on herbs appear all over the internet, and in particular, on websites that many people falsely believe are credible sources of medical information. Gravel root is safe. Milk thistle is safe. All of the other therapeutic herbs are safe, too. You should NOT trust any information on herbs unless it comes from an herbalist who has clinical experience using them. PERIOD. You should NOT trust any information on herbs that comes from the medical profession - medical doctors are simply taught that herbs do not work, but they are not given any reasons why, so your doctor is pretty much of NO HELP whatsoever when it comes to herbal use. Unless they are actively using herbs and practicing integrative or functional medicine, they have no clinical experience using herbs and are not taught about them at all during their medical training. You can get a lot of insight into medical corruption by reading the book
The Essiac Report.
Stopping Cancer Naturally:
- Recommended Diet: This is a diet of minimally processed organic foods and beverages free of caffeine and sugar. Animal products should be free of all hormones and antibiotics and ideally should be pasture-raised, grass-fed and wild-caught. You can follow this diet or do a juice fast for either short or longer periods of time. Scroll down for more info on juice fasting and how to do it.
- 28-Day Cleanse: Regardless of the type of cancer, the most important cleanse to do is the 28-Day Healing Program to which you can add a few additional herbs if needed.
The 28-Day Cleanse includes colon cleansing formulas (Intestinal Rejuvenation Program), liver cleansing formulas (Liver Regeneration Program), kidney cleansing formulas (Kidney Revitalization Program), blood and lymph cleansing formulas (Blood Detox and Echinacea Premium) and a green nutrient-dense nutritional formula (Earths Nutrition Formula).
I highly recommend you purchase the book I wrote for the Stop Cancer Docu-Class entitled "Stop Cancer - 28-Day Detox & Healing Plan. This book was just completed and is ONLY available through the Stop Cancer Docu-Class program. You can purchase this book in one of the Stop Cancer Naturally Docu-Class packages that includes all of their videos as well as books and transcripts. CLICK HERE to go to their website and purchase a package. (This is a separate business from us and we are not involved in the sale of their packages, so please follow up with them for any issues related to receiving their packages).
In this book, you will learn all of the herbs, formulas and techniques I've used over the past 20 plus years to help my patients with all types of cancer. This book is over 400 pages and specifies all of the details and step-by-step instructions for how to do this cleanse for yourself at home. It includes every single thing you need to know about this cleanse, what it feels like to do it, which herbs you can mix together, the dietary recommendations, and all the questions about it people have asked over the years about doing this cleanse. It also has a daily schedule to let you know what herbal formulas to take and when throughout the day for the entire 28 days. In addition, it also includes many emotional healing techniques helpful for healing emotional traumas that cause cancer with step-by-step instructions so you can do them yourself.
It includes detailed step-by-step instructions for things like essential oil rectal implants, high enemas, hydrotherapy routines, juice fasting, castor oil packs, essential oil spinal therapy - all of which you can do for yourself at home. It also contains sections for around 20 types of cancer with very specific recommendations for each type, roadblocks you may run into, and how to get around them. If you are on chemo, it gives recommendations for which herbs to use to help counter side effects. This book allows you to empower and heal yourself at home, regardless of what stage you are in.
- Dr. Foster's Herbal Juice Fasting Program - all of the herbal formulas together in one kit to do your own cleanse at home. It is one of the most important nutritional healing techniques for cancer and along with the Intestinal Rejuvenation Program, Kidney Revitalization Program, Liver Regeneration Program or 28-Day Healing Program, helps to eliminate the mucoid plaque layer from the colon - a huge factor in healing cancer. Juice fasting can also help lower high blood pressure, reduce brain fog and help heal chronic infections.
- How to Do a Juice Fast and How it Can Save Your Life - learn all about how to do a juice fast
- Dr. Foster's Juice Fasting Instructions - to do in your own home.
Individual Formulas:
Blood Detox Formula:
- Contains Red clover, Oregon grape root, Chaparral, Goldenseal, Lobelia, Cayenne, Garlic, Yellow dock root, Red root - highly concentrated liquid formula. This is a powerful blood and lymph cleansing formula that is a specific aid for healing cancer. It also has some herbs to cleanse the liver and thin the blood naturally.
Echinacea Premium Formula:
- Contains Echinacea angustifolia, goldenseal (high in berberine) and other herbs to support a healthy immune system, fight infections, and fight cancer cells - highly concentrated liquid formula.
Immune Valor:
- Contains rhodiola and other adaptogenic herbs to help body adapt to stressful situations and environment. Makes immune system more efficient, protects against catching infections and can help chronic fatigue. Can help reduce side effects of chemo.
Earth's Nutrition Powder:
- A superfood-rich green powder you can mix in a smoothie. Important whole body strengthener, contains critical nutrients that can help rebuild, repair and regenerate the body. Take double the recommended dose. Helps alkalize an overly acid body chemistry (overly acidic body chemistry inside of your cells and in your tissues is a big contributor to cancer). Contains spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa grass and other nutrients to help rebuild the blood - white blood cells and red blood cells. Also helps provide energy and mental clarity, alertness and focus without caffeine. Helps provide much-needed energy when undergoing chemo.
Adrenal Support:
- An adaptogenic formula containing maca, suma and other rainforest herbs that help give energy without caffeine. Helps strengthen adrenal and hormonal function, thereby helping to warm the body (cancer patients often don't generate enough body heat and feel colder than usual). Can help the body adapt to stressful situations and stressful environment. Can also help adrenal exhaustion, blood sugar regulation, and chronic fatigue. Can help reduce side effects of certain types of chemo drugs.
Alternatives to the 28-Day Cleanse:
If you can't do the entire 28-Day Healing Program or if anything is out of stock for this cleanse, you can still do the following: use the Liver Regeneration Program + the Blood Detox Formula and do that for 2 weeks. Then use the Kidney Revitalization Program + the Echinacea Premium Formula and do that for the next 2 weeks. Add the Earth's Nutrition Powder and use the techniques listed in the book and you have the entire 28-day cleanse. Use the instructions for the 28-day cleanse or use the instructions listed in the book. You can use any of the following cleanses:
Specifics for Certain Types of Cancers:
- Recommended Diet Free of Caffeine and Processed Foods - applies to ALL types of cancer.
- Hot Chili Pepper Tincture - opens up circulation, powerful emergency remedy - strong liquid extract. Can help stop bleeding and protect against bleeding. Use for better brain function, better circulation to hands and feet, and to warm up the body (cancer patients often feel too cold)
- Female: Femme Pause - remedy for women in menopause who need hormone balancing, have cancer in their reproductive organs and/or feel overly cold.
- Lungs: Lung Support - highly concentrated liquid extract containing herbs that open up breathing and assist respiration. Contains pleurisy root, elecampane, osha root and other herbs.
- Lobelia Tincture - additional aid to help water retention, constipation, and difficulty breathing. Acts as a natural bronchodilator. Highly concentrated liquid herbal extract.
- Prostate: Prostate Formula - Contains saw palmetto, nettle, hydrangea root, juniper berry, uva ursi, horsetail and other herbs to help reduce enlarged prostate, reduce inflammation in the prostate, gradually dissolve stones, and encourage urination and release of urine from the bladder.
- Brain and Nerves: Peaceful Nerves contains black cohosh, blue cohosh, blue vervain, scullcap, wild yam, lobelia - herbs that help calm, relax, release cramps and spasms and can help protect against hyperactivity/ seizure activity in the brain. Some people swear by it to help restless legs and to help them sleep.
- Nerve Calm - contains Valerian, hops, passionflower, chamomile, black cohosh, blue cohosh, wild yam, scullcap, lobelia - a sedative that assists sleep and helps heal and regenerate nerves. Tonic for daily use. Use long term to help repair nerves, help nerve pain. Can help reduce brain overactivity such as seizure activity, etc.)
- Thyroid Support - contains bladderwrack, kelp, dulse, mullein to help underactive thyroid, reduce inflammation in thyroid.
Essential Oils and Cancer:
HERE and
HERE to learn how to use essential oils.
- Frankincense Oil - apply to breast, under pulse points at neck (to improve brain function), or use on soles of feet, apply diluted along the length of the spine (to help stimulate immune system or in cases of brain or nervous system dysfunction), or use in a rectal implant to help immune function and for the anticancer effects. An additional aid in cases of seizures. Use daily or as needed.
- Lavender Oil - apply to any area where you have cancer. Dilute with carrier oil before applying if you have sensitive skin. Can use on soles of feet or in a rectal implant to help immune function and for the anticancer effects. Use daily or as needed to help fight cancer, improve hormonal balance, strengthen nerves and nervous system.
- Clove Oil - apply to any area where you have cancer. Dilute with carrier oil before applying if you have sensitive skin. Can also apply to soles of feet or in a rectal implant to help immune function and for the anticancer effects. Use daily or as needed to help fight cancer, infections and as an additional aid to killing parasites.
Use a mixture of all three and apply to skin, breast or anywhere else you have cancer. Use
in addition to the 28-day cleanse to help cleanse and detoxify your entire body - even if it's just skin cancer. You can use essential oils for other things as well such as to stop asthma attacks, stop headaches, relieve pain, repair nerves, help brain function, relieve nasal congestion, kill parasite eggs, ease tooth pain, allergies, asthma, help sinus infections, help ear infections, help low thyroid, reduce thyroid over activity, stimulate mental alertness and focus, reduce brain fog, regulate blood sugar, and more. Click
HERE for more info.
Cancer Preventive Diet and Lifestyle:
Do any Dr. Foster's herbal cleanse every 3 months - at the change of every season. Do a juice fast every once in a while - even just for a few days. Do a parasite cleanse once a year and a stone cleanse once a year. Make a liver cleanse a high priority for you at least once a year. Make sure your bowels are moving at least twice daily and ideally once for every major meal you eat during the day. Address constipation and heartburn with natural remedies ONLY. Learn reflexology. Practice qi gong or tai chi. Practice slow and deep belly breathing and good posture. Get a massage when your muscles are tight. Cut out toxic people from your life. Learn and practice emotional release techniques or any other technique that helps you emotionally. Check Dr. Foster's Natural Healing Protocols ebook when you are sick with anything so that you can treat it as much as possible holistically.

Exercise regularly and drink half your body weight in water every day. Incorporate ginger, garlic, turmeric and other superfoods into your diet. Consume apple cider vinegar tonics with stevia. Drink water with fresh lemon first thing in the morning or with meals. Eat berries, sprouts and soaked nuts and seeds. Have some raw foods or salad every day.
CLICK HERE to learn more about recommended diet. Learn to tell jokes and see the humor in everything. Love and forgive yourself and others. Treat ALL colds and flu NATURALLY with herbal remedies and healing techniques and juice fasting. Find a biologic dentist and have your "silver" fillings and root canals removed. Avoid charging your cell phone at night on the nightstand next to your bed. Avoid most junk foods, ultra processed foods and fast foods.
Check your urine pH every once in a while to make sure you are on the right track - 6.4 or above. Above all else, avoid taking any "preventive" shots in your doctor's office. Any shot that is supposed to prevent some type of infection happening in the future - these are highly toxic and are known to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
Find out the root causes behind why you're sick and the natural healing protocols you can use at home to heal yourself from all kinds of other things. Includes all of Dr. Foster's natural healing protocols for over 400 health issues in an eBook pdf file. Click on the Natural Healing Protocols book image above to view:
Note from Dr. Foster About Private Consultations: "I have a very close relative who was diagnosed with stage four cancer and put on chemo. I've discontinued private consultations until we have this situation stabilized. The timing has not been ideal but sometimes we can't control what happens to our family members. Thank you so much for your prayers, patience and understanding.
About Cynthia Foster, MD
Cynthia Foster, MD is a conventionally trained medical doctor who has been using herbs and natural healing techniques for over 20 years. Listening to the needs of her patients, and discovering that vitamins and herbs were usually not enough to heal serious issues, she formulated her own brand of highly concentrated herbal remedies, cleanses and essential oil blends (Dr. Foster’s Essentials) to help her patients with mild to severe health issues such as allergies, asthma, sinus infections, ear infections, chronic fatigue, low thyroid, overactive thyroid, brain fog, low sex drive, anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol, macular degeneration, hepatitis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, constipation, colitis, acid reflux, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, candida overgrowth, parasites, and more.
She developed an interest in natural healing while suffering from epilepsy during her medical training that caused her to have up to 2 seizures per day for almost 4 years until she found the natural cure. Using only natural methods as her treatment, the seizures went into complete remission, and she has been seizure-free for over 20 years. Her first book Stop the Medicine¬ tells the inspirational and miraculous story of her recovery as well as giving a shocking behind-the-scenes look at the Modern Medical Establishment. In her search for healing, she traveled the world learning and incorporating natural methods including herbal detox, natural supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, energy healing, qi gong, mind-body medicine, therapeutic yoga, meditation, shamanic healing, juice fasting and therapeutic foods.
A highly sought after speaker and university instructor, she has lectured worldwide on a wide range of topics from the use of herbs to therapeutic yoga to conventional medicine classes for acupuncture students. YogaEd counted her as an important participant in teaching yoga to school teachers as part of a pilot program to introduce yoga into the Los Angeles public school system. She has been interviewed numerous times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television. She is the author of the books, Stop the Medicine, Liver cleanse Action Guide, Kidney Cleanse Action Guide, Top 21 Liver Healing Recipes, Rescue Your Heart, Breathe Better, Rescue Your Heart Recipes, Natural Healing Protocols. Upcoming book projects include how to Heal Your Thyroid Naturally and Cancer Action Guide. A third book that has been in the works is a book describing how to use herbs and natural healing techniques to overcome life-threatening, chronic and incurable health issues.
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