"The most versatile essential oil I use, peppermint should be stocked in everyone's medicine cabinet. Many times stronger than a peppermint tincture, it cools the body, helps reduce fever, opens narrowed breathing passages, helps clear sinuses, stimulates healthy bile flow from the liver, stops colonic spasms, relieves headaches, eases indigestion, and keeps the breath fresh (especially after doing herbal routines that involve garlic!) Just 1 – 2 drops cools heartburn, relieves gas, and indigestion. Used topically, it cools the skin, relieves itching, helps with headaches, reduces inflammation and can often times relieve pain. Many people have found that it breaks a fever when they take just a few drops. Inhaled, it improves concentration and memory, helps clear stuffed sinuses, and provides a natural energetic lift. Helps students and others to remain focused with a sharp memory. Anti inflammatory effects when applied to chronic pain areas. When diluted, it feels wonderful on a hot, itchy rash. In the kitchen, it can serve as a natural ant repellent. Peppermint oil also helps to gently cleanse the liver. It can be applied on the temples or back of the neck during a headache for pain relief. For a refreshing pick-me-up, put one drop in a glass of water with a few drops of liquid stevia - Wow! This is a very high quality oil. "
Ingredients: Therapeutic Grade essential oil of Peppermint
Caution: Peppermint oil can be very intense when applied around the eye area, especially for children. Make sure to keep away from the eye area.
Size: 10 ml.
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