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Promote Breastmilk Maintain Mineral Balance After Childbirth "Pregnancy and childbirth, can result in a depletion of vitamins, minerals, and hormonal strength. Some women can experience profound weakness after childbirth if they lose a lot of blood.
- Organic SuperFoods and Herb Formulas can help replenish vitamins and minerals, increase breastmilk, strengthen adrenals and balance hormones
- It's not just a matter of turning on a switch to increase breastmilk, but of making sure the new mom has enough vitamins and minerals to support the production of breast milk
- Make sure to follow the Foster Method Diet and use the Foster Method every 3 months to get to underlying root causes and maintain health for life.
- It is very rare to find a conventionally trained medical doctor who has been using holistic healing methods for decades. These organic and wildcrafted herbs have been clinically proven in Cynthia Foster M.D.'s practice for over 20 yrs. Learn more about Dr. Foster
- Contains 2 Earth's Nutrition Powder, 2 Bone, Tissue, Nerve Formula, Adrenal Support.
- One month's supply
- Save 10% with this kit (compared to purchasing all items separately.)
Learn more:
Fertility, Prenatal, Postnatal Programs
Download the Mandatory instruction sheet for all products
Why Dr. Cynthia Foster M.D. is Different and How She Can Help You
What is the Foster Method and Why Everyone Should Do It
Details On Our Strict Product Quality
Will Herbs Interact With My Medications?
Ingredients: Two Earth's Nutrition Powder, Two Calcium From Herbs, One Adrenal Support
Cautions/ Drug Interactions: None
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is an herbal supplement. According to the FDA, herbal supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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