Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D.
A Conventionally Trained Medical Doctor Who Left Medicine Over 20 Years Ago to Practice 100% Holistically
Thousands of people across the US have taken Dr. Foster's products and done her herbal cleanses at home. Many of them have never even met Dr. Foster! We have extensive instructions available to show you exactly how to do it. If you'd like to take Dr. Foster's products on your own or do your own Dr. Foster's detox cleanses at home, you do NOT need an appointment first. You do NOT need an official diagnosis from your doctor and you do NOT need any lab tests. Most of the healing you actually need is to get your elimination organs functioning, get onto a healthier diet, learn how to love yourself more, and how to heal your buried emotions. Simply click here to know how to get started.
If you have watched a Docu-Class: there is extensive information below about what herbs and cleanses were mentioned during each one of those. Make sure to scroll down further and click on those links.
Please note: we are unable to ship products outside of the US at this time. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
This is the next best thing to having an appointment with Dr. Foster: the FREE Natural Protocols Ebook. This is a distillation of all the detailed handouts over the past 20 plus years that have been emailed over for each client and it's been customized to your individual needs so that anyone can do them. If you want to know what herbs to take for your particular issues and all the protocols Dr. Foster has used over the past 2 decades to heal all kinds of health issues, this is what you read. You need to read the introduction and the first few chapters as well because they explain WHY you have the particular individual issues you have. Once you read it, it's going to be so much more clear what herbs you need to take and you can learn a lot more than what can be conveyed to you in a one-hour one-on-one session. You do have this power to heal yourself and once you learn how to tune in and take your intuition seriously, you will know what doses to take and how often. The medical profession has taught us that we are victims, that we cannot heal ourselves, that we need to rely on lab tests, biopsies and surgeries, that we should be afraid of germs, and submit to numerous overly expensive tests and surgeries, but that is not the truth. All you need is the knowledge and you can start healing yourself - even without a doctor because you ARE the doctor - you just don't realize your power yet.
Once you choose an herbal formula or cleanse, there will be extensive downloadable instructions - anywhere from a few pages up to 40 pages that will take you through step-by step everything you need to know about taking that formula or cleanse, what foods you should and should not eat while taking them, whether you can mix them with your other supplements, suggested doses, customized doses and doses for special issues, as well as frequently asked questions about that product or cleanse. If you want to know what a cleanse is going to be like, you can also take a look at those instructions ahead of time before you ever buy the cleanse.
It is critically important that you understand the Four Stages of Disease and what stage of disease you are in so that you know how long it will take to get well. You should also know about organ pairings - how your colon affects your lungs, your liver affects your brain, your kidneys affect your ears and hearing, and your small intestines affect your heart. That way, you can heal your health issue from the root cause and not simply give yourself relief of symptoms. The ebook also explains the "Reversal Process" so that you fully understand how our bodies heal and exactly why, although we can feel great during our healing, there are times we will feel worse and it's NOT because of an herbal "reaction" or "allergic reaction." You need to understand that true healing is a PROCESS and that you're going to have ups and downs during your process and that is NORMAL. It is completely NORMAL to have a "down" day because your body is unloading years of accumulated toxins from your liver, gallbladder, kidneys, colon or other organs. You also need to understand that no matter what your diagnosis is, if you clean up and detoxify your internal organs, especially your elimination organs, whatever that thing is you have will most likely get better. You can often heal yourself this way - even if you don't know what is wrong with you.
Information For The Docu-Classes:
- If you've watched the Fatty Liver Docu-Class, please CLICK HERE to access the special page that describes in detail all of Dr. Foster's herbs and healing routines to help people with fatty liver, kidney stones, gallstones, cholesterol issues and other liver issues.
- If you've watched the Thyroid Adrenal Docu-Class, please CLICK HERE to access the special page that describes in detail all of Dr. Foster's herbs and healing routines to help people with overactive thyroid, underactive thyroid and other thyroid issues
- If you've watched the Cardiovascular Docu-Class, please CLICK HERE to access the special page that describes in detail all of Dr. Foster's herbs and healing routines to help people with heart and blood pressure problems.
- If you've watched the Stop Cancer Naturally Docu-Class, please CLICK HERE to access a special page that describes in detail all of Dr. Foster's herbs and healing routines used to help people with cancer.
here to see full-sized diploma
Cynthia Foster received her M.D. degree in 1996 from the University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio. Due, in part, to her own natural healing from epilepsy without medications or surgery in her last year of medical school, she developed an interest in helping others heal naturally from all types of health issues.
Over the past 20 years of seeing patients with incurable diseases and using
ONLY herbs and natural therapies to help them, she has developed natural healing protocols to help people become healthy again, even though some are considered incurable. Because there were no medical doctors who were practicing holistically when Dr. Foster began her 100% holistic practice in 1997, and the natural healing information was unknown to most people, she founded Dr. Foster's Essentials as an educational website to teach people how to heal themselves naturally and at home, without expensive lab tests or other medical interventions.
Most herbs in the health food stores were weak and watered down or all of the stores were selling useless, chemical-based vitamins and it wasn't until she discovered how strong herbal extracts were made (with a 1:1 Herbal Strength Ratio), that she was able to heal herself and the many others that Modern Medicine had given up on. After discovering the effect scalar waves and Tesla vibrations had on herbs, she added this technology to her formulas, and she started a
highly potent product line, almost 15 years ago and used these formulas to accomplish seemingly impossible healings.
Medical doctors don't just leave their practices. Dr. Foster had a severe, life-threatening condition in 1992, called epilepsy.
She suffered from two daily grand mal (full body) seizures for four years - the entire time she was in her medical training. After being repeatedly misdiagnosed and given the wrong medications for 2 years, she was fed up, and sought the services of a holistic RN who finally diagnosed the grand mal epilepsy. Dr. Foster refused all medical treatments for epilepsy, but with the help of this holistic nurse who used only holistic healing methods, she was able, without any medications, surgery or other medical treatments for epilepsy, to achieve a complete cure.
This is not just about epilepsy. This is about every chronic and incurable health issue that can be healed naturally. During her time spent with the holistic RN, she witnessed almost every type of incurable disease, including lupus, epilepsy, parasites, heart disease, psoriasis, arthritis, and cancer cured with holistic medicine WITHOUT medications.
She then studied with herbalists, aromatherapists, shamans, energy healers, and monks, and learned how to heal other conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, kidney stones, gallstones, allergies, asthma, eczema, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and developed
protocols for these and many other conditions as well.
How Did Dr. Foster Get Epilepsy and How Did She Heal It?
"I've spent the past 20+ years helping people heal naturally from all types of incurable diseases, and have developed various
natural healing protocols for people of all ages in all stages of illness. People can heal themselves of all types of diseases. They simply need to be taught how."
Dr. Foster has given lectures all over
North America from Portland, Oregon to Orlando, Florida to British
Columbia, Canada. Her soon-to-be-published book includes the groundbreaking
natural methods she has used to help hundreds of people across the
country to heal from chronic and incurable diseases, including a
herbal product line that utilizes a
unique processing technique
to yield herbal extracts that are 3 to 10 times stronger than ordinary
herbal preparations.
The biggest problem I saw with herbal medicine and why people were not healing with it was because of the poor quality. Herbs were encapsulated and sold to the public in their weakest form, while the power of the strongest preparations, the liquid extracts and essential oils, remained unknown.
The few liquid extracts that were available were produced according to National Formulary standards (1 part herb to 10 parts alcohol, aka 1:10 ratio) which were too weak to accomplish much healing. Dr. Foster had extracts manufactured that were up to 10 times stronger - almost unheard of in the industry - and with dramatic increase in potency of the herbal extracts was able to accomplish miracle healings of incurable diseases. "The biggest problem people have with choosing liquid extract is that they are not paying attention to that herb to alcohol ratio. It should be 1:1 or 1:2."
Learn More About Dr. Foster's Essentials Product Quality.
"I wrote
the Medicine! as a cautionary book to warn people to stay away from Conventional Medicine which I saw causing far more health problems with its severe side effects than it was helping. Stop the Medicine's message is for people to learn the long-forgotten holistic techniques of which most Americans are no longer aware, and leave their doctors behind." It was so controversial, it had to be printed outside of the U.S. Stop the Medicine has sold over 13,000 copies across America.
Dr. Foster has been interviewed numerous
times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured
magazines, newspapers, and on television,
educating about the benefits of natural healing. A pioneer
in the herbal healing industry, she has also served as herbal product
trainer and spokesperson for several herbal companies.
At the age of 16, she participated in a special state program for gifted teenagers where she studied quantum physics. Currently she lives in the Los Angeles area where she has taught Western Medical
Pharmacology, Medical Terminology, Internal Medicine, and Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
at the prestigious acupuncture college Dongguk Royal University.
She is a registered, certified yoga instructor, an accomplished concert pianist and a member of MENSA. She provided individual
and telephone consultations for over 15 years.
A visionary
doctor, she is one of only a handful of conventionally trained
doctors in the country who successfully uses purely natural
methods yet does not practice conventional medicine. Her hospital
and emergency room training has enabled her to handle severe and
acute diseases. This background gives her the unique ability
and understanding to deal with severe diseases using purely natural
The Beginnings of Her Medical Intuition: Dr. Foster was born an empath. As such, she feels very deeply the emotions, traumas and energies around her patients. In 1997, when natural healing was mainly a last-ditch desperate attempt to save someone's life after all conventional medical treatments had failed, most of her patients were financially devastated. After spending all of their money on expensive medical treatments, most of them could not afford expensive lab tests. As Dr. Foster was also deeply in debt after graduating from medical school, there nothing that could be done except to pray.
Sending many prayers up to God to show her where and what the problems were, Dr. Foster finally started to get information, and with this information, to help people get well. Wanting to connect more deeply with God, she took three years off to do a continuous prayer and meditation practice, the outcome of which was a massive outpouring of spiritual bliss and divine blessings into her body which she now uses to help inspire, motivate and heal those around her.
Healing Through Education, Not Medication:
DrFostersEssentials.com is an educational company dedicated to the ideals
of uplifting people's health through educations, empowerment, inspiration,
and compassion. Through educating about the so-called mysterious workings of the
body and causes of ill health, we aim to dispel fears about pain,
dying and disease. Through this knowledge, we hope that others
are enabled to act, not through fear based on ignorance of how the
body works, but through courage.
Helping People To Achieve Long-Lasting Healing:
Modern Medicine, although very useful for many acute health crises
has not demonstrated much success with healing chronic or severe
diseases. While medications may have a dramatic effect of
relieving symptoms, the disease is still there. We encourage
people to find the root cause of health complaints in order to achieve
long-lasting healing. Reversing the root cause of a
disease can take longer than simply the amount of time it took to
suppress the symptoms with strong medications. However, we
believe that if a state of ill health can be created in the body
through unhealthy living habits, then with persistence, it can also
be reversed. By providing the body with the proper
diet, lifestyle, and positive emotional
environment, we can encourage the body to repair itself and heal
from many diseases that are normally considered incurable.
Helping to Distinguish Between Effective Methods and Quackery:
We encourage natural methods that support your empowerment, sense
of responsibility, and your dignity as a human being, while discouraging
the use of extreme and unscientific methods and remedies such as
long water fasts, extreme diets, weight loss hype, miracle "cure-alls,"
and chemical-based supplements. Our experience is that usually
health challenges are influenced by many factors including improper
food choices, inadequate exercise, high stress lifestyle, inadequate
rest, smoking, alcoholic beverages, pollution, malnutrition and
toxicity. Because of this, simply one natural healing method
is many times not enough. Where individual herbs or methods
fail, Dr. Foster has found that a combination of many methods such as
herbal cleansing programs,
juice flushing, exercising, and emotional healing methods, used
together frequently results in success. This is far more effective than taking a single herb and hoping for the best.
Empowering Everyone To Heal Themselves:
Our goal is to empower others, through knowledge, to become confident
in their ability to heal themselves safely and naturally so that
they may take their health concerns into their own hands if they
wish. We also firmly believe that each and every person has
the inalienable right to choose any safe healing method available
to heal the body, mind and spirit.
Protecting People From The Most Dangerous Medications:
For the benefit of your health, we have also included on this website
dangerous conventional medications, medical procedures, techniques
and other methods which carry unusually high risks or the risk of
death. We will add new information continually, so please bookmark
this site, return frequently, and refer this site to your friends
and loved ones.
We will publish information on this website about herbal healing,
aromatherapy, healing with foods, juice fasting, homeopathic medicine,
exercise, Medical Yoga, massage, emotional healing, spiritual healing
and other natural healing methods. These topics will be covered
in health articles and in a monthly featured question and answer
session. We will also provide additional useful information
about various other health products which have been clinically
and scientifically proven to be effective.
Remember that knowledge is power. Knowledge applied and put into
practice may lead to marvelous results!
"I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my
ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients,
and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest
any such counsel..."
Foster's Natural Healing From Epilepsy:
She began her formal medical studies in 1992 with the desire to
become a radiologist. However, during her first year of medical
training, just after receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine required for entrance into medical school, she had an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine and soon after, fell ill with life-threatening seizures, severe chest pains,
asthma, migraines, extreme fatigue, and a thyroid condition.
Over 2 years' time, and after exhaustive consultations for the epilepsy, her many doctors were unable to
provide a correct diagnosis, although they were more than happy to hand out a prescription for tricyclic antidepressants, a medication that lowers the seizure threshold and can cause epileptics to have even more seizures.
This medication caused a worsening of the epilepsy which eventually led to such severe seizures, they caused her to wake up with dislocated shoulders.
Repeated seizures, at that point, still undiagnosed, led to extreme pain and disability.
Her suffering
led her to look into alternative healing methods, mainly herbal medicine and natural healing.
Hopeful for a cure, yet too weak to stand for many hours out of
the day, Dr. Foster did NOT drop out of medical school. She
continued her medical studies on the floor of her residence.
"At that time, I was taking the doctor-prescribed antidepressant, and also several types of allergy medications, one of which was an asthma inhaler that caused an overly rapid heartbeat. After two year's time of being repeatedly misdiagnosed and dismissed, I flushed every one of those medications down the toilet and never looked back. I eventually found natural alternatives for all of them.
I tried many natural
methods at first. Natural Hygiene and dietary methods failed.
Proper food combining failed. Herbs from the health food store
failed. Water fasting failed. Finally, with the help
of a registered nurse using holistic therapies to detoxify my body,
I was able to improve my health over the next year and a half
and eventually finish my medical training.

After suffering from
daily seizures for over three years, I underwent a very strong
herbal detoxification program which resulted in a complete cessation
of the epileptic seizures in three months. Almost 20 years
later, I continue to be healthy with no return of those previous
health problems. This experience resulted my first book
Stop The Medicine!
When I graduated from medical school, I had begun to
realize the enormous potential of natural healing. I had
personally seen so many people with "incurable" and terminal
conditions healed naturally at the holistic nurse's office that
I could no longer deny its effectiveness. After going through that experience, I didn't believe in Modern Medicine anymore. I then went
on to further my herbal and natural healing studies with other
natural health practitioners - some of whose programs were designed
specifically for "incurable" conditions."
Through her extensive experiences with natural healers, as well as her intense personal experiences,
she has become extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and herbs - unlike most holistic medical doctors.
She undertook and completed a 63-Day Juice Fast to prove that it was possible for people to juice fast
for long periods of time. Having
the unique advantage of having received a medical education, she
is able to use scientific principles as a basis for her understanding
of natural healing methods.
True to her teachings, she follows her own advice, dietary recommendations and takes only her own products.
Because her methods are so effective, she has not needed to take any conventional medications or even so
much as an antibiotic for over 11 years. She is in the unique position of knowing both medicine and natural
healing. Her medical background lends more credibility to the herbal and natural healing field.
Race Is Not Always To The Swift,
But To Those Who Keep On Running."
Learn more about Dr. Foster and Dr. Foster's Mission