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"This is where healing begins. All of my new patients started here and most got well with just the basics. This program includes all of the essentials needed to create good health. If we don't know what to do for a health issue, sometimes it's as simple as following the basics:
 Vibrant Colon Capsules
- Dr. Foster's colon cleanse (Vibrant Colon and Colon Detox Caps) which stimulates the bowel, cleans out the mucoid plaque layer, absorbs heavy metals, pharmaceutical residues, and waste from bowel pockets (diverticuli)
- Build the blood with natural phytonutrients
- Earths Nutrition Powder adds super nutrition with live, food-based vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamin factors and co-factors
- Ensure good digestion with powerful digestive and carminative herbs (Digestive Tonic) that stimulate maximum digestive power through their effects on the organs of digestion (stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, etc.)
- Flush out accumulated toxins, deposits and sediments that have been sitting in body tissues for many years
- Immune Valor Formula contains powerful adaptogens that optimize the immune system, help the body adapt to stressful situations and harmonize all body systems (or Echinacea Premium. Note: I have used echinacea with my clients who had autoimmune issues and they were completely fine. My herbal teacher also used this herb in the case of autoimmune problems as well and his patients were completely fine as well.)
- Capsules can be taken as is, but for those few people who have difficulty swallowing capsules, the capsules can be twisted open and mixed with water. The Vibrant Colon herbs will be bitter but can be sweetened with stevia if desired.
- This cleanse is only the beginning! Make sure to follow the Foster Method and the Foster Method Diet to get to deeper issues.
- It is very rare to find a conventionally trained medical doctor who has been using holistic healing methods for decades. These organic and wildcrafted herbs have been clinically proven in Cynthia Foster M.D.'s practice for over 20 yrs. Learn more about Dr. Foster
Normally retails for $169.75. Currently on sale at 15% off! Discount is calculated automatically as soon as you place this item in your shopping cart.
Learn more:
Details of the Beginners Program
Beginners Program instructions
Colon Cleanse Info
Colon Cleanse instructions
Mandatory instructions for all products
About Cynthia Foster, MD
Our Product Quality
Will Herbs Interact with My Medications?
Cautions/Drug interactions:
- Vibrant Colon has a mild to moderate laxative effect. It should not be combined with other types of laxatives (over the counter or other brand herbal laxative)
- Vibrant Colon is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This program contains herbal supplements. According to the FDA, herbal supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Featured positive reviews:
Great Product!
By Betsie
I have been taking this Program for 2 weeks now. These are great products. They are easy to take but the best part is that you can customize the dosage to your own needs. I would recommend this product to others.