Dear Dr. Foster,
Help! I am only in my 30's, and I'm going bald already! Why is this happening to me? Is it genetic, or is there something I can do about it?
Losing Patience (and my hair)
Dear Losing Patience,
The first cause of hair loss is poor thyroid function (either
underactive or overactive thyroid function will cause hair loss). This
causes hair loss in both men and women.
Herbalists use seaweeds to help the thyroid get enough minerals and in particular iodine, without which the thyroid cannot function. Some essential oils that are helpful in balancing the thyroid are Myrrh, myrtle, and lemongrass
The second cause is poor circulation to the head. In this
case, hair loss is accompanied by gradually worsening eyesight and/or
hearing, or ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or Meniere's disease
or dizziness (a very common complaint of elderly people) or past
history of stroke. Poor circulation to the head is present in our
society in epidemic proportions. Notice the vast number of people
who wear eyglasses, contact lenses, and/or hearing aids. These are
indicative of a gradually dimishing supply of blood to the head
region. The cholesterol level is often elevated, and what blood
goes to the head is filled with cholesterol and fat which causes
it to thicken so that it cannot penetrate into the delicate arteries
of the organs in the head.
Elevated cholesterol and high blood
pressure are often caused by eating a meat-based diet. High cholesterol
is also usually an indication of a sluggish liver which is either due
to an overload of environmental toxins, a slow thyroid, or eating
a meat-based diet which overloads the liver with too much fat and
Many people believe that canola and soy oil are also
causes for male pattern baldness. If you read labels, you
will see that these oils are in widespread use. Add hydrogenated
oils (such as margarine) to this list and now you understand why
so many men are balding earlier and earlier in life. And this has
nothing to do with genetics.
To improve circulation to the head: take Cayenne on a daily basis, do lots of headstands or shoulderstands, or other yoga postures which have you in an upside down position for extended periods of time. Also, using a strong herbal formula to stimulate blood flow to the brain (Brain Regain Formula) is also a great formula to use (and it's not as hot as Cayenne). The easiest way to get blood to the head is to allow gravity to work in your favor. The more time you spend upside down, the more the thoughts and circulation will be right side up! One can even tilt the foot of the bed upwards with large books or concrete blocks to get more blood to the head at night. Also, make sure to exercise regularly to keep the circulation active. Minitrampoline exercise seems to really direct more blood to the head area.
3) The third cause of hair loss is exposure to too much testosterone as well as other male hormones. High levels of testosterone are usually associated with male pattern baldness and also with overly aggressive behavior. There are 2 main sources of testosterone: taking steroids (the kind bodybuilders take to gain muscle mass), and eating meat which is highly contaminated with hormone residues (all commercial meat). It only takes a minuscule trace of a hormone to have an action in the body; therefore, even residues left over from the hormones being fed to the animal are significant enough to cause a hormonal imbalance in the body. The remedy is to stop eating meat. Herbs such as maca and suma (Adrenal Support Formula) can also help both men and women with hormonal balance.
4) Yet another cause of hair loss is lack of nutrients in the diet. This is common due to the depleted soil on which American farmers raise crops. The crops look normal, but are severely nutritionally deficient. Many people begin to grow hair back when they begin to consume algae and seaweeds on a regular basis. Algae contains many amino acids in a highly absorbable form, which are easily converted in protein to be used in growing hair. Another component of hair is silicon. When a person is deficient in silicon, the hair won't grow, or it will be thin, and the nails will be weak. Rich sources of silica include sesame seeds, sesame tahini, sprouts, and the herbs oatstraw and horsetail such as contained in the Bone, Tissue, Nerve Formula. Increasing the dietary intake of silicon has been known to slow down or stop hair loss.
5) Another cause of baldness is stress. Many people will stress themselves too much by not sleeping, burning the candle at both ends, rushing endlessly from place to place, and always having an emotional crisis. It is in these cases, where nurturing techniques are called for such as massage, emotional release work, and/or essential oils. The Healthy Heart Formula helps to calm people of all ages, and other oils such as Lavender or Orange are enormously helpful for defusing anger and frustration.
6) Use of synthetic shampoos and conditioners contain many petrochemicals and other substances which may clog the hair follicles, killing the hair within and causing hair loss. Make sure you are only using natural-based shampoos from the health food store, and try to get a brand that does not contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). Consult the Safe Shopper's Bible to learn which product additives are safe, and which are harmful.
But, let's get back to the topic of hair loss and solutions for hair loss. There are many essential oils which have classically been used for regrowing the hair. They are Lavender, Rosemary, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, and Sage. Both men and women may rub these oils directly onto the scalp, as well as inhale them or rub them on the bottoms of the feet.
Lastly, many people have reported faster growth of hair and nails when consuming a high quality MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) - a rich source of organic sulfur, which is needed to build healthy hair and nails. A high quality MSM product has also been known to increase hair growth.
grows slowly at the rate of about 1/2 inch per month, so regrowth
may take several months before a dramatic difference is noted. This
is a process which requires patience. Keep with it, and good
in health,
Dr. Foster
Sample Program For Managing Hair Loss
Regain Formula
Bone, Tissue, Nerve Formula or drink oat straw tea on a regular basis
Essential Oil or Grounding Essential Oil Blend
Liver Regeneration Program - help body eliminate excess hormones
MSM - start with lowest dose and increase gradually
Additional Cayenne
taken with food
***Yoga postures that involve being upside down, or slant board
Essential oils of Lavender, Cedar, Rosemary
1 drop each rubbed into scalp twice
Treat meat like a luxury item - once or twice a week is usually enough and only free-range, grass-fed, hormone and antibiotic-free meats should be consumed.
Stop thinking and analyzing
Remember that your hair is often a reflection of your diet, so eat whole foods. Don't peel your vegetables/fruits or throw out seeds. Eat whole grains and eat as much organically grown food as possible. Remember that food grown in rich soil is much more nutritious than the same exact food grown on a factory farm in soil that has been depleted.
Additional suggestions for women: same as above, but also
stop taking birth control pills, and use an alternate method of
birth control. If birth control pills were taken because of
menstrual problems or hormonal imbalance, take the Female Harmony Formula to bring back balance to the endocrine glands.
Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D.
A Conventionally Trained Medical Doctor Who Left Medicine Almost 20 Years Ago to Practice 100% Holistically
After receiving a required Hepatitis B vaccine for entry into medical school, Dr. Cynthia Foster became severely ill with grand mal epileptic seizures. The seizures occurred twice daily for almost four years – almost the entire time she was in training to become a conventional medical doctor at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Putting her life into the hands of a very experienced holistic nurse who was using holistic healing methods with unprecedented and extraordinary results, she refused all medications or other medical interventions for the seizures.
Using only natural methods as her treatment, the seizures went into complete remission, and she has been seizure-free for over 20 years. Her first book Stop the Medicine tells the incredible story of her miraculous recovery as well as giving a behind-the-scenes look at the Modern Medical Establishment. In her search for healing, she has traveled the world learning and incorporating natural methods into her holistic practice, including herbal detox, natural supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, energy healing, mind-body medicine, healing visualizations, juice fasting and therapeutic foods.
After receiving her MD degree, and refusing to practice medicine because of the miraculous healings she had seen in others and experienced for herself, she began her practice using only natural methods to heal her patients, specializing in teaching people how to heal themselves with simple remedies and techniques, and has been able to repeat the miraculous healing results with her patients that she herself had personally experienced.
Over the past 20 plus years, she has served many roles including not only healing practitioner, but also herbal product trainer and spokesperson for herbal product companies, and also founded her own pharmaceutical strength herbal product line called “Dr. Foster’s Essentials” to address the health problems she was seeing in her practice. She noticed over a period of two decades of seeing patients, that they usually brought her grocery bags full of so-called “natural” supplements that simply did not work. She founded Dr. Foster’s Essentials, insisting on including herbal extracts up to ten times stronger than what is traditionally available in grocery stores, drug stores health food stores, and even online, as she felt these “mass-marketed” remedies were too weak and watered down to heal anything as serious as what she had experienced with the epilepsy.
A highly sought after speaker and university instructor, she has lectured worldwide on a wide range of topics from the use of herbs to emotional healing to conventional medicine classes for acupuncture students. She has been interviewed numerous times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television. Current projects include a second book describing how to use herbs and natural healing techniques to overcome life-threatening, chronic and incurable health issues.
"After You've Done A Thing The Same Way For Two
Years, Look It Over Carefully. After Five Years, Look At
It With Suspicion. And After Ten Years, Throw It
Away And Start All Over."
- Alfred Edward Perlman