Dear Dr. Foster,
I have Type I Diabetes and want to know if there are any herbs that can help?
Insulin dependent
Dear Insulin dependent
Many people believe that Type I diabetes (also known as juvenile onset or insulin dependent diabetes) is incurable. They believe they will always have to take insulin. However, I do personally know Type I diabetics who have gotten completely off of their insulin by following a raw food vegan diet. Every person I have talked to who has overcome this type of diabetes told me that they had learned this program at the Optimum Health Institute in Lemon Grove, California.
Raw Foods and Pancreas Function: The reason why I believe a raw food program is effective is due to the enormous burden that is lifted off of the pancreas to digest cooked foods. For this reason, taking the highest quality digestive enzymes you can find should also be helpful. Yes, the pancreas does produce insulin, but it also produces digestive enzymes. These include lipase, amylase, proteases, tryptase and many others. The more a diabetic consumes cooked foods, the more enzymes his or her pancreas will have to produce to digest the food. This is overstraining all already sick organ. The rest of the Optimum Health Institute's Program has to do with drinking fresh wheatgrass juice which cleanses the body on all levels, especially the liver and the colon, and doing what are called wheatgrass implants.
Liver Toxicity Associated with Diabetes: I always find that there is liver toxicity/ dysfunction in cases of diabetes
whether it's Type I or Type II (adult onset diabetes). There are
many herbs to use to cleanse the liver including dandelion leaf,
Oregon grape root, garlic, barberry rootbark, artichoke leaf, milk
thistle seed, and gentian (the
L/GB Formula). When used in combination with the Liver
Regeneration Program (an herbal healing routine which involves consuming
olive oil and citrus juice on a daily basis for 5 days at a time),
these herbs can be very effective in removing toxic residues from
the liver.
The most common residues found in the liver are pharmaceutical
drugs (most of which are detoxified in the liver and stay there
instead of being eliminated), heavy metals (such as aluminum, mercury,
lead, etc.), pesticide residues, and household and industrial chemicals
(including drycleaning chemicals, inks, perfumes, shampoos, detergents,
soaps, food additives, artificial dyes and flavors) and hormone
residues which are consumed when eating meat. The Liver Regeneration
Program includes intestinal cleansing herbs since the colon should be cleansed before or while taking liver cleansing herbs. For more information about why intestinal herbs are needed first, please see the information page regarding the Intestinal Rejuvenation Program.
Herbs to Support Hormonal Function: It is most often the case, when one endocrine organ is malfunctioning, so are the others. So, when the pancreas is weak, so usually are the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries and testes. This is because all the endocrine organs are usually composed of the same chemical elements and when one is weak, it is usually the result of a lack of nutrition. Some herbal hormone balancers such as the Pancreas Support Formula, Femme Pause or Adrenal Support Formula may help to bring not just the pancreas, but the whole endocrine system back into balance. This is why we call it natural healing. The pancreas is not the only organ involved in diabetes. Some herbs that may help are dong quai, chaste tree berry, wild yam, licorice root (do not take licorice root if you have high blood pressure since it can raise it), ginseng, and saw palmetto berry. The essential oils of Myrtle help with an underactive thyroid.
The Pancreas Support Formula deserves special mention. It was first formulated by Dr. Christopher in the 1940's who was attempting to heal a man with a urinary tract issue. The man, misunderstanding Dr. Christopher's instructions on which herb to use, took cedar berries instead of juniper berries. So he went back to Dr. Christopher to tell him the juniper berries did not work for his urinary tract issue. Dr. Christopher, looking at the berries the man had been eating, pointed out that the man had actually been taking cedar berries (a close look-alike of juniper berries). Dr. Christopher gave him juniper berries for the urinary tract issue (which cleared up), but the man wanted to keep taking the cedar berries because he was an insulin-dependent diabetic and taking the berries three times a day was lowering his blood sugar so that he was able to reduce his insulin injections.
It was the first time Dr. Christopher had heard about an herb lowering blood sugar in an insulin-dependent diabetic, so he wanted to repeat the experiment with his other patients and found that it worked quite well. He noticed that although the cedar berries helped heal the pancreas, healing the pancreas would unmask problems with the other endocrine organs which then needed to be treated. Wanting to address the entire hormonal system instead of just the pancreas, he added other herbs to his Pancreas Formula for a more complete healing. He said that diabetes and hypoglycemia were both caused by problems with the pancreas and he used the formula with both issues.
Essential Oils that Affect Blood Sugar and Promote Pancreas Healing: It has been noted that the essential oils of coriander, dill, cinnamon, and cypress (Sweet Essence Oil Blend), have resulted in better blood sugar readings in diabetics, enabling better blood sugar control. I've also used cypress oil to take a diabetic out of hypoglycemic seizures. The essential oils should be applied one drop at a time twice a day over the pancreas area (the pancreas is located on the left side behind the stomach, so rub the oil along the left side of the ribcage in the front below the nipple) and on the bottoms of the feet. Make certain that your oils are certified therapeutic grade to be sure that they work. Otherwise, it is a waste of your money.
Stress, Exercise and Blood Sugar: Of course, it is important to stay on a good exercise program, since exercise enhances the ability of the body's cells to use what little insulin may be secreted. Any undue stress in the life should be managed or eliminated since one of the first things that happens under stress is the blood sugar goes up (due to the release of adrenalin).
Edible Algae and Blood Sugar Balance: Lastly, many have noted an improvement in blood sugar when consuming algae on a regular basis. This includes spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae and Dunaliella (red algae). These algaes provide a high amount of useable vitamins and nutrients to heal malnourished organs, and also contain a high amount of chlorophyll which cleanses and detoxifies the entire body. An added benefit that I have noticed is that people who take the Essential Nutrients Formula or Earths Nutrition Formula on a daily basis experience an increase in their blood count. This could be very helpful for those who are anemic. (Essential Nutrients)
Please use caution when using alternative remedies for Type I diabetes. Sometimes the supplements and routines have more of an effect than anticipated and the person ends up hypoglycemic. Please remember to check your blood sugar frequently when doing any kind of cleanse or taking any new supplement to see what effect it has on your blood sugar. It is best to have some sort of supervision from an alternative practitioner (in addition to your regular doctor) who is hopeful about your chance for recovery. Personally, if someone tells me I can't be healed, I move on to someone who tells me I can. Keep looking until you find someone who tells you that you can!
in health,
Dr. Foster
the Clinic:
Sample Program for Healing Diabetes Type I:
28-Day Healing Program - this can be repeated until desired results
are obtained.
This consists of the following:
Sometimes this takes one month, sometimes longer. This depends on
how severe the diabetes is and how long it has existed in the body. If,
during this month, the blood sugars return to normal levels, do
not stop, but continue the program for the rest of the month. During
this time, the body should eliminate many foul, putrid toxins and
waste products that have built up in the body over many years. This
is a good sign that the detoxification is working to purify the
body and bring it back into balance.
Note: I am seeing more cases of Type I Diabetes as the result of vaccination. Please be aware of this connection and act accordingly. Avoid vaccinations whenever possible.
Colon Formula (most people) or Colon Starter Plus (extra strength)
Colon Detox Caps
L/GB Formula
Detox Chai Spice
Kidney/Bladder Formula
K/B Herbal Tea
Echinacea Premium Formula
Blood Detox Formula
Optional Additions to the 28-Day Program:
Note: Those with chronic
diarrhea or colitis should not take the Vibrant Colon Formula that comes with the 28-Day Program.
They should order the items separately, omitting the Vibrant Colon Formula.
Note For Children: For very young children such as infants or children age 1 - 6, they may be too young for the 28-Day Program.
They should take Sweet Essence, Adrenal Support, Immune Valor to strengthen and balance the endocrine and immune system
and as an alternative to the 28-Day Program.
Read More Articles About Healing Naturally
About the author:
Dr. Cynthia Foster, M.D.
A Conventionally Trained Medical Doctor Who Left Medicine Almost 20 Years Ago to Practice 100% Holistically
After receiving a required Hepatitis B vaccine for entry into medical school, Dr. Cynthia Foster became severely ill with grand mal epileptic seizures. The seizures occurred twice daily for almost four years – almost the entire time she was in training to become a conventional medical doctor at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Putting her life into the hands of a very experienced holistic nurse who was using holistic healing methods with unprecedented and extraordinary results, she refused all medications or other medical interventions for the seizures.
Using only natural methods as her treatment, the seizures went into complete remission, and she has been seizure-free for over 20 years. Her first book Stop the Medicine tells the incredible story of her miraculous recovery as well as giving a behind-the-scenes look at the Modern Medical Establishment. In her search for healing, she has traveled the world learning and incorporating natural methods into her holistic practice, including herbal detox, natural supplements, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, energy healing, mind-body medicine, healing visualizations, juice fasting and therapeutic foods.
After receiving her MD degree, and refusing to practice medicine because of the miraculous healings she had seen in others and experienced for herself, she began her practice using only natural methods to heal her patients, specializing in teaching people how to heal themselves with simple remedies and techniques, and has been able to repeat the miraculous healing results with her patients that she herself had personally experienced.
Over the past 20 plus years, she has served many roles including not only healing practitioner, but also herbal product trainer and spokesperson for herbal product companies, and also founded her own pharmaceutical strength herbal product line called “Dr. Foster’s Essentials” to address the health problems she was seeing in her practice. She noticed over a period of two decades of seeing patients, that they usually brought her grocery bags full of so-called “natural” supplements that simply did not work. She founded Dr. Foster’s Essentials, insisting on including herbal extracts up to ten times stronger than what is traditionally available in grocery stores, drug stores health food stores, and even online, as she felt these “mass-marketed” remedies were too weak and watered down to heal anything as serious as what she had experienced with the epilepsy.
A highly sought after speaker and university instructor, she has lectured worldwide on a wide range of topics from the use of herbs to emotional healing to conventional medicine classes for acupuncture students. She has been interviewed numerous times on radio programs and mentioned in the press as well as featured in magazines, newspapers, and on television. Current projects include a second book describing how to use herbs and natural healing techniques to overcome life-threatening, chronic and incurable health issues.
"The Best Place To Find A Helping Hand
Is At The End Of Your Own Arm"
- Swedish Proverb